A little fun do's and dont' for karaoke
DO.. put you name up to sing ,Write you name
and song on request slip
slowly as most lightly the host can't read fast
DON'T.. play with the karaoke host equipment if your not willing
to let him play with yours
DO.. applaud profusely, even if they can't sing.
They had the guts to get up there
DON'T... tap on, drop, or swing the microphones.
No host can be nice to people
who abuse equipment.
DO... get you name up early. Last minute
request telling the host my friend done
x factor wont help, the host
has heard it all before .
DON'T... hold the mic too low and then complain
you can't hear yourself treat it like a lolly
{ but dont lick it whatever you do
DO.. dance if you get the urge. y
DON'T... act pissed off because someone
ain't "discovered" you yet.
DO.. sing like an amateur so long as you're entertaining
DON'T.. Imagining the audience in their underwear
to help with nerves
{ its sometimes not a pretty sight }
DO.. try a new song a good host will stay
with you and help you out
{to the nearest exit}
DON'T , Get up to sing when your too drunk or if the host is drunk
one fool up there is enough
DON'T.. Forget Most good hosts will do there best to make you sound good
but its worth remembering they are musician NOT magicians
Do.. Remember that most people are there just to have fun. Most people won't care
if you're a great singer or not,
Not all karaoke is x factor or this factor or that factor ,
The best of Karaoke is adlib and funny and entertaining, Enjoy
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